
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bedknobs and Broomsticks

Tiffany is letting me buy our bed off of her for $150.

...and that is the best part of my life, at the moment.

It has become a mantra. When I spent Monday night accepting passive aggressive comments from the girl who could not push me away fast enough; at least I am getting the bed. When Jessica informed me while I was in Emmett trying not to drown under the weight of Tiffany's not-so-obvious hostility that she has fallen for another girl that is NOT me; at least I am getting the bed. When Tiffany called me after our visit to tell me that there was a change in plans and that she was moving on Wednesday instead of a month from now and would not get to see me before she left;

At Least I Am Getting The Bed.

People think I should get over it already. They are right, I probably should. The problem is that I have done a lot of talking and not a lot of feeling. I can't seem to shake the numb denial that nothing is out of the ordinary. I am sending condolence messages to Tiffany's best friends, sending my support. I am frantically texting bright, cheerful texts to Tiffany assuring her that moving is scary but that she will be fine; to keep her chin up and that everything will turn out.

It's going to be just me and my cat in that huge king-sized memory foam mattress that used to be ours...

but at least I got the bed.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Homopalooza: Redux

Alright, So I am really bad following through with the concert blogs... but I come with pictures! ...That are out of order because blogger is NOT photo friendly. No matter how hard I try, it won't let me move the photos.

I may sound calm, but I am ready to throw my computer because of this post so let's get to it, yes?

AWWWW! Panda and me!

Here is me and Wes in Line at Fall Out Boy.

This is a picture of me by the totem pole on the pier in Seattle.

This was the line before us at FOB. I wasn't thinking but I should have gotten a picture of the line behind us. We got there about two hours early so the line stretched out WAY behind us.

Me and Justin in the Pit.. either before Cobra Starship or FOB.

My boys at iHop ;hearts&

LMAO okay. SO I have this lip plumping lip gloss and Justin has really full lips... so long story short this is what he would look like if he got collagen injections.

Justin contemplating in line.

Wes and I in line.

I blow Kisses!

really far away picture of FOB... after we got tired of the Pit lol. There will be other far away pictures on my myspace if you want to see them. There aren't any from the pit because I couldn't even close my mouth, let alone function a camera. I was in awe.

Ihop fun times!

Justin texting. We all did this alot. We are 'mos that way :P

AWWWWWWWWWWW me and my Justinface!

same picture, slightly different angle. Gotta love myspace pics lol.

Me at our hotel.

Justin making his "Ummm.... Baby?" face.

I fucking love these glasses. This picture was the first picture taken, as we were leaving the Tricities lol.

So the concert was PHENOMENAL. Cobra was great as always and I got to teach Justin how to put his fangs up, which was fun. Gabe Saporta is nothing if not entertaining :). Oh, but Fall Out Boy. Fall out boy was orgasmic. Patrick was so amazing I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I didn't even nod my head or sing along... I just stood there staring, mesmerized. I have always joked around that he was the Metatron (the voice of God) but I am telling you I wouldn't have been more in awe if the Metatron really HAD shown up.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Road Trip Pt Deux!

Day Two of Homopalooza: TriCities Edition has commenced!

I will start off with a replay of last nights events. The three of us got all dolled up and went to Capitol Hill to have drinks at 'R Place; mine and Justin's favorite gay bar in Seattle, where I proceeded to learn that AMFs are fucking STRONG in Seattle. We only stayed about an hour but that was ample time for me to get sloshed off of my ONE AMF and a shot of tequila.

Then we came back to the hotel and watched Ellen do stand up. Altogether, I'd say the night turned out pretty epic.

Now I am sitting next to my Justinlove, watching Ferris Bueller's Day off.

Next installment: Fall Out Boy concert!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Road Trip: pt Un

Day One of Operation Take Seattle By Storm AKA Homopalooza: TriCities Edition!

Last night's drive was pretty much nothing but me, a pack of cigarettes and a zune full of music. If I had been pulled over (which was entirely plausible, I had a headlight out) the officer would have found me hyped up on Mt. Dew, cigarette in hand, belting out the lyrics to Le Vie Boheme.

Fortunately, my trip was uninterrupted.

Justin and Wesley waited until last night, when I arrived, to start packing. I thought that I had packed more than was needed, but these boys have me beat by far! And of coarse I had Wesley packing for me as well...

Wes: Did you pack a bathing suit?
Me: (laying amongst his clothes on the bed) psht. I don't even OWN a bathing suit.
Wes: I figured. I already packed swim trunks for you.
Justin: (peering around the corner) honey, what bedding are we bringing?

He was positively scandalized when he found out I had only brought the chucks on my feet; so now I have a pair of his flip-flops in his bag waiting for me just in case a situation arises that I need to have shoes on NOW. ;P

Nothing like a pair of homos to make you feel low maintenance! lol

In other news, I just started off Day One with the WORST shower in my LIFE. Their water pressure is so intense It nearly sheared off my nipple when I turned to face the showerhead. I had to hold on to the ladies for dear life just to rinse! Remind me never to do that again. It isn't a shower, it's an extreme sport!

I have to run, before the boys get back and realize I spent all this time on the Internet instead of getting ready.