
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cyber Bullying: No longer just for angry teenagers.

I am sad to report that there is no longer such a thing as respect on the internet.

Cyber-bullying is something I ran across quite frequently on the MCRmy message boards. It disgusted me but it was to be expected when the majority of posters were under the age of 17. I just chalked it up to a mixture of teenage angst and a lack of social finesse and moved on to other threads.

Now, I am not so sure that was necessarily the case.

As I mentioned in my last post, my cousin's girlfriend Sam (an excellent friend whom I affectionately call Sammich) has me hooked on several lesbian blogs. Whilst meandering through a blog that I have been enjoying the last couple days I ran into an entry that completely blew my mind. Well, it wasn't so much the entry as it was the comments that threw me for a loop.

This is the link, just in case you want to read what I am talking about.

This woman did nothing but blog her opinion. Readers who disagreed did not calmly argue their point with respect to the writer; they attacked. It was that particular writer's first blog post and they tore her to pieces. They called her uneducated. They used terms such as 'heteronormative' to insult her. I hate what has happened to that word. It's like the term 'Emo' or 'gay'... words that at one point had completely harmless definitions until angry people with hate to spare turned them into something negative.

I am getting off subject.

My point is that those who attacked that blogger weren't frustrated 14 year old fangirls (at least I don't think they were, they were certainly acting like it...), they were women that should know that attacking someones opinion just because it differs from their own is not the way to get their point across.

It's not rocket science. I admit it; I am young. Half of the insults they were slinging I had to google. However, even I know that if I am reading someones blog entry and I don't agree with what they are saying, it is just plain disrespectful to attack them on their own blog! Either calmly engage them in a debate or move on!

In the wise words of Thumper Rabbit; "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember reading that when it was initially posted. People are schmucks. Opinions are like assholes and everybodys got one. While I do believe that commenting is for sparking discussion and in some cases debate it is not a place for jackassery.