Thank god for Memorial day. Today was the easiest day at work I can remember ever having. It went by so fast it didn't even feel like work.
When I got home, this is what Tess, Sam, and Delilah were up too.

The rest of the day past by without being very notable. Except for when Tess went to bed, Me and Sam stayed up to watch The Grudge 3 and it scared the shit out of us. We had to watch Wheel of Fortune to take our mind off of it... but now Sam is in bed and I have to go sleep alone in the Garage with just my Chicken-shit of a cat who can't protect me AT ALL. He doesn't even have front claws.
Plus I really fucking need a cigarette but I am afraid to go outside by myself.
If I don't log tomorrow I have been eaten by a Japanese ghost.
HAHAHA! I think I would be laughing to hard to run if the asian ghost lady made that sound while coming after me. LOL
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