...And I, my dear, am a professional.
So, these are my project 365 pictures from the last week lol. Man, I am SO BAD at this finishing what I started stuff.

So this is a note on the wall at work I found on 5/27. It's a note from my Boss telling us not to tape notes on the wall... like she just did. I was very amused.

Because I am lame and forgot to rotate this picture, humor me and tilt your head. This is Therapist Josh. Josh didn't have any appointments so instead of catching up on paperwork like he should have been, I helped him sculpt a penis out of tacky (that clay-like stuff that looks like gum. You use it to hang posters and shit.) onto the end of a workpen.
We are a productive bunch.

This is Josh tormenting my fellow receptionist, Sara, with the penispen.
OH! BTW this was on 05/28

On 5/29 My friendly Drew and I went bar-hopping. Well, we actually went to a danceparty at the Venue but it was SUPERlame (SEVEN PEOPLE WERE THERE. SEVEN.) so we went walking around downtown Boise, picking up alcoholic beverages as we went. This is a picture of the BIG EASY (in my head the only Knitting Factory is in New York. Damn Franchising.). This is where I go to see Cobra Starship (when they bother to show up) and awesome things of that nature.

On 06/01 The fam went over to Sam's mom's house for her mom's birthday and for some AWESOME FUCKING FOOD. Tess is the Dog whisperer, I swear. That dog has never met Tess in it's life and it is passed the fuck out on it's back.

... and this is my workdesk today, 06/03. Yes, that is Ryan Ross on the screen. My google reader is starting to look like my twitter, with how many rockstar blogs I am following :/ Shit! Gotta go, boss is here.