My life needs jumper cables.
All I do is work, go to Emmett, sleep. Repeat.
I called Katie today and that helped. She rode around her apartment on her skateboard while she told me about her California adventures in the way that only Katie can. I was afraid talking to her would only make things worse, but I feel a lot better.
Do you ever feel like you are standing so still that if you don't do something, anything... that very second you are going to vibrate into a million particles from the stillness of all? Like what happens to the people closest to a nuclear blast. One second you are solid, staring at a huge mushroom cloud; the next second you are a million dust particles floating in the wind.
I dyed my bangs red. It looks really hot and it's better than being fallout particles.
I've got to go, there is a half a can of cold spaghetti-O's calling my name.
My Weekend (RIP) Crush
1 day ago