SO Yesterday was supposed to be the Cobra Starship concert.
I got out of my stupid med training class an hour early so I took a nap in my car outside the Emerald Club, where I was meeting Katie. I am pretty sure that everyone thought I was a drunk passed out at the wheel, but whatever.
So once me and Katie met up we wandered over to the Big Easy... only to find that the show had been canceled, due to illness. OH MY FUCKING GOD I was SO pissed. Ranting about how I was going to Q&A Pete and tell him he is supposed to sign Rockstars, not pussies (~wince~ Sorry Cobra Starship, I was just disappointed). Needless to say I was freaking out pretty hardcore.
Come 6pm, Katie and I decide to go back to the venue to see about getting my money back. In place of the old sign was a new one, stating that We The Kings and Metro Station would be playing acoustic sets at 7pm for free. We discussed it, and since our night was free and we had absolutely nothing to do, we figured we would check it out.
We meandered back to the venue around 7 and upon further inspection realized that we were surrounded by 14 year old girls. I might have been (slightly) bitter about the situation so me and Katie participated in a small amount of ageism (Katie- "I know how to clear them out! Scream 'Curfew Patrol' and watch 'em SCATTER.') and we might have shown a bit of cynicism (Me- 'How are they going to fit all ten of us in the venue?!'). Of coarse no one really new exactly what was going on until Travis and Hunter from We The Kings came and sat on a large metal box outside the front of the Venue. Apparently they wouldn't open the venue for the opening bands because it wouldn't be financially beneficial so the members of each opening band that wasn't sick decided to play anyway, despite the winter cold.
It was insanely awesome. The We The Kings' set was absolutely awe-inspiring. Metro Station was good, but We The Kings was just on a different level. You could tell that Travis and Hunter truly enjoy what they do, and that they didn't feel obligated to be there. They have passion for their art and anyone who can watch them perform and NOT see that is blind. Drew, the bassist, made an appearance despite his being sick. He didn't perform, but was there for moral support. The poor guy looked miserable out there in the cold, you've got to give him credit for showing up like that.
The rest of the night was spent hanging out with We The Kings and the people that hold them together (Billy [Merch] and Trevor [Tour Manager]). I didn't speak to Drew much but the boy was sick so I think his quietness was excuseable. The others though, I was really impressed with how they so easily and readily socialized with their fans. Even Billy and Trevor were patient and friendly; willing to put up with my questions on how they got their jobs and even giving me career advice.
Overall, the night turned out even better than if Cobra Starship HAD played. I can always go see Cobra Starship again, but shows like last night's; acoustic shows in dark alleys in the middle of February, that shit doesn't happen everyday.
We The Kings really DID save the day.
My Weekend (RIP) Crush
1 day ago